How effective is PRP?

PRP for ED

PRP delivers platelets which deliver growth factors and chemotactic factors to the vascular once activated. This delivery system can: 

1) Decrease damage caused by inflammation.

2) Stimulate stem cells to help regenerate erectile tissue. 

3) Attract other stem cells to help regenerate.

4) Can help correct penile curvature from Peyronie's disease.

PRP For Hair Loss

Androgenic, Inflammatory and hormonal hair loss can be improved by PRP platelets which deliver growth factors and chemotactic factors to the hair follicles once activated. 

The PRP can: 

1) Decrease damage caused by inflammation. 

2) stimulate stem cells at base of hair follicle. 

3) Attract other stem cells to help regenerate dormant follicles.

A woman getting PRP Therapy for hair loss.

Hairloss Before and After

The most natural hair restoration is accomplished by rejuvenating the scalp and reviving natural hair follicles. At The Texas Center of Regenerative Medicine, we use a microneedling device, called Dermapen, to create small channels through the epidermis. These channels are 0.2mm in diameter, delivering Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, PRP (platelet rich plasma) and stem cell products deep into the dermal tissue. This revitalizes the scalp on a cellular level, which can help dormant follicles to regain their function and new follicles to develop. The channels heal closed in a few hours. Several procedures are usually necessary with some improvement seen after each one. The results of the procedure usually takes about 6 months to be fully manifested. Because of this, repeat procedures are spaced about 6 months apart, until they have produced the desired results.

Benefits of a Stem Cell facial with PRP

Stem Cell Facial with PRP Before and After.

Stem cell facial rejuvenation with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) uses your own blood’s platelets and plasma on your face. The basic process begins with a technician drawing whole blood and then using a centrifuge to separate out the red cells. The remaining platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is what’s used in the facial process. Pain and discomfort is minimal and the procedure is short.

The natural chemicals in your own PRP are slathered onto your face and then micro-needled into the skin during a short procedure. Once the plasma is in, it begins to do its work of rejuvenating your entire face, tightening wrinkled areas, and smoothing the overall look. It’s able to do that because PRP’s essential chemical components stimulate collagen growth.

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